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Full Hebrew Glossary

The following terms are highlighted in the Hineni text. When the mouse is placed over the highlighted text, the definition of the term is displayed in a small popup. Moving the mouse away from the term closes the popup.
  • Action, doing activity, one's deeds.
  • The title of an influential book published in 1626, documenting Jewish customs around caring for the dying and dead. It became the foundational work guiding Jewish end-of-life practices, and underlies what we do today.
  • Jewish prayer book.
  • Headstone or grave marker; literally a “pillar”.
  • Hebrew for "Living Waters" - a term referring to clean running water (often natural, as in a mountain stream).
  • A deceased person. (Meit is masculine, meitah is feminine, meitim is plural.)
  • An abandoned body, (who can become a source of mitzvah for those who bury him/her).
  • A piece of parchment inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah, which Jews fix to the doorposts of their homes.
  • Community ritual bath.
  • Local Jewish custom (as opposed to halacha, Jewish law).
  • Local Jewish custom; literally, "the custom of the place." Sometimes local custom is in practice for so long it is considered equal to Jewish law for a specific ritual or tradition.
  • A group of 10 adults who compose a Jewish quorum for communal prayer.
  • "May the One Who Blesses..." - a prayer for those who are ill.
  • A commandment in the Torah. In general usage, this term also denotes an action of high value.
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